We have designed a very elaborate Frequently Asked Questions forum. With contributions from our customers, technicians and engineers we have sorted through thousands of questions and found many common questions that we felt are excellent. Our specialists were more than happy to answer these questions and we published them to help you learn more.
If you have a question that you would like to see in our F.A.Q., simply click our contact form and submit your question for review.

What is the minimum Internet speed I need to use your voice service?
A: For each voice call, you need at least 64kb/s (kilo-bits per second) upload and the same for download. The more, the better the sound quality.
So for 5 calls, simply multiple 64kb/s by 5 and you get 312kbps.
How much bandwidth does a phone call consume?
A: As mentioned on the previous question, a phone call consumes 64kb/s upload and download. This is because the type of compression method (codec) is G.711 (ulaw).
Sometimes I hear breakup on a phone call. What causes that?
A: That can be caused by a number of factors. Internet speed, latency, internal network traffic, firewall configuration, as well as the type and quality of the connection with the person on the other side of the phone call.
Sometimes my touch tones do not work. Why?
A: Voice over Internet Protocol has a wide variety of settings. One in particular is called the DTMF Mode. This is what specifically controls whether or not your touch tones do work. Typically this setting works best when set to RFC2833.
Why do some incoming calls seem to have no sound, but the person calling me hears me just fine?
A: This is a common problem that is caused by firewalls. You may wish to contact your firewall manufacturer for answers to RTP blocking.
We set up an IP PBX in a lab and everything worked fine. When we rolled it out, we have many audio problems. What may be causing this?
A: A test environment is absent of many common production variables such as bandwidth utilization and protocol priorities. Using a managed switch with QoS and a Voice VLAN may be the answer you are looking for.
This is VoIP! Why do you have taxes and surcharges on your bills?
A: As an FCC registered telecommunications provider, we are required to collect taxes for the government and apply surcharges when necessary. VoIP is only the medium in which the communications takes place.
How many calls can I make at the same time?
A: The number of calls you can concurrently have is primarily based on the bandwidth of your Internet connection. Other factors such as your phone system may also play a role.
Can I get voice mail with my service?
A: As a telecommunications provider, we offer the "dial tone", for lack of a better term. Voice mail is an enhanced service feature which is usually available on your phone system.
My office is moving to another city and we want to keep our main numbers when we move, but we are going to stay with our traditional provider. Is this possible?
A: If your traditional provider is unable to maintain your existing numbers, you can port them over to us and we will maintain them for you. We can then forward those numbers to your new ones so that you may keep them.

Right now I have 8 IP addresses. Can I have more?
A: Actually, you can have as many IP addresses as you like. ARIN is the governing body of IP address assignments requires that we justify all of our IP addresses. We will gladly provide you with the necessary paperwork to help us complete this process.
Is there a way to check my speed?
I recently had a 5 Megabit line installed but I hink I need more speed. Without extending my contract, can I double my speed?
A: If your installation is fairly recently, we would only require that you extend your contract for the amount of time that has passed so far, not for an entire contract duration.
I think there is a problem with my speed, how can this be fixed?
A: First thing that we ask that you do is connect only a single computer to the router we provided to you. From there you can visit our speed test and confirm your speed. If your speed is below what your subscribed speed should be, you should contact our technical support as soon as possible.
Are there any proxy servers between my connection and the Internet?
A: No. We provide our customers direct Internet access. No network monitoring, content filtering, deep packet inspection takes place on our part.
I know that some cable companies use Cache Proxies to increase my speed. Do you?
A: No. We are providing direct Internet connectivity, not managed connectivity like many providers. The only part of your connection that we manage is to ensure that you receive the bandwidth you subscribe to, nothing else.
Why do my speed tests between different sites vary?
A: Speed tests are very tricky to understand. A speed test that travels over the Internet is like buying a car that can get 100mpg. But if you test it on 10 different highways with different levels of traffic, then you will never see your 100mpg.
Well, not so much that, but we provide you a speed that is dedicated just to you. When you go to a public testing site (PTS), you have to travel over different routes of the Internet to get to that PTS. As your request passes over different routes,
there is an inherent delay called latency that causes variable results. By the time your request to that site is received, it may have already been slowed down quite a bit. For a more accurate speed test, click here.
What is the difference between latency and jitter?
A: Latency is the delay between one "hop" or connection in a route to the next. Jitter is the average difference between the latency. Although latency may increase, jitter may not.


Do I have to purchase the servers to be co-located?
A: If you currently do not have servers but you want to co-locate with us, we can lease you the servers that you need. We would also take care of every aspect of the servers provisioning for your convenience.
What kind of servers do I need? Brand? Model?
A: The type, brand and model all depend on your needs, the service you need an the application base you wish to operate. We can help you make this determination.
I currently have servers at my office that I want to co-locate. Is this possible?
A: Certainly. You may even use your own firewall devices, network switches and backup devices, if you like.
Do you have any disaster protection?
A: We have utility power, backup generators and uninterruptable power supplies, multiple Internet peering links and routing capabilities. We also have multiple locations if you wish to replicate your data.
What kind of Internet speed can I get for my co-located servers?
A: Internet connection speeds for co-location starts at 5Mbps and can go beyond 100Mbps.
If I want to co-locate more than 1 server, can I have a private network between them?
A: Absolutely! We can easily set up private networks between your co-located servers.
What operating systems can I run on my co-located servers?
A: You can use any operating system you like, whether Linux, Unix, Windows and even MacOS. We can also helpy uo obtain licensing for your operating systems at low rates.
